We do rural planning and architectural design for a complex rural future. Solving issues in the countryside related land use, future housing and infrastructure, protection of the environment and biodiversity is part of our rural agenda.
Rural Agency ApS
Slettebjergvej 21 ​
4174 Jystrup-DK
CVR: DK-40097473
Rural Agency is a research-based architecture studio focusing on rural space as one of the most controversial spaces in the 21st century.
Rural Agency was founded in 2018 (then Rural Agentur) by Anna Sofie Hvid in response to the United Nations Human Rights Council passing a resolution concluding a UN Declaration for the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas.
The resolution is symptomatic of the increasing discussions related to rural space.
Rural Agency is today a growing design team and international network. The premis of our work is that rural space is changing rapidly - both demographically, economically and environmentally.
In a nearby future, rural areas will look radically different than they look today.
We believe, we need better design approaches for future concepts of rurality.
Based on our biodynamic farm and social institution Østagergård in Denmark, Rural Agency specializes in designing spaces for rural communities and rural stakeholders.
For us, architecture is foremost a social gesture - a process, which spans from the informal conversation on the plough field to the spaces we co-create, and the research-based architectural solutions we offer.
Together with our clients, we create the future of rurality.